Rental Ice Skating Rinks & Ice Slides
Providers Of The Most Famous Temporary Rinks
If you have seen a high profile or highly televised ice rink event, good chances are that you have seen one of our installations. With over 700 projects and 25 years of experience – we have done it all! We provide real ice systems or synthetic ice systems based upon your preference.
In any temperature, indoors or outdoors, and on any surface. We manufacture and provide the most advanced ice rink system technologies available on the planet. And, because we are one of the largest manufacturers and installers of both permanent and portable ice rinks, we can provide the best rental pricing because we build all of our own equipment where other ice rink rental companies must buy from manufacturing companies like ours.
Our customers have included:
NHL Style Outdoor Hockey Games
Professional Hockey Team Installations
Parks & Recreation
Winter Carnivals
Olympic Celebration Venues
City Center Ice Rinks
Ship Mounted Installations
Holiday Season Rinks
Special Events
Movies & Ice Shows
Temporary Replacement Over Failed Existing Rinks
Components &Services we provide include but may not be limited to the following:
High performance refrigeration systems.
The most advanced portable rink piping systems such as “Instant-Ice”
See through railing systems or full NHL style hockey boards & upper shielding
Leveling platforms & Stages
Ice Resurfacer Machinery
Rental Skates
Skate Sharpening Machines
Operational Personnel